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Attending the Water Industry Energy and Carbon Management Conference in Birmingham

John and Jennifer attended the Energy and Carbon Management Conference in Birmingham on the 24th of September in Birmingham. In attendance was a mix of water company representatives working in sustainability and innovation. They all shared experiences and case studies as to how they are meeting energy and carbon targets. In addition, a number of renewable companies, consultancies and two Hydro-BPT researchers.


Attending the Water Industry Energy and Carbon Management Conference in Birmingham 

Hydro-BPT attend Water Industry Energy and Carbon Management Conference in Birmingham, September 25th


The conference as a whole was one of the most interesting to attending, as the energy and carbon priorities, through promoting efficiency and adopting renewables was great to hear. The later was of most interest to the Hydro-BPT team as we realise that as water companies aim to meet their carbon targets the more important micro-hydropower (MHP) can be in achieving this.

One of the speakers was Mike Pedley from Dwr Cymru Welsh Water and who sits on the project steering committee for Hydro-BPT. His talk was one of many engaging presentations and the range of speakers was well organised. Mike's comment in relation to the challenge of recieving FITs for MHP is still the main stumbling block to the uptake of the technology. A group has been set up which Mike is part of to push on clarificaiton for the feasibility of FITs for these sites, where pumping may be connected to the network but is only used 1 day per year and creates a loophole for recieving financial gain.

For the conference agenda, visit

Publication date: 24 September 2014

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