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Hydro-BPT lab experiments - behind the scenes...

So what are the PhD students working on at the moment? Tracey and Christine and beginning their final year of their PhD, and are both undertaking experiments in relation to potential micro-hydropower installations by water companies.



Hydro-BPT experiments: behind the scenes in the hydralics lab 

Hydro-BPT experiments: behind the scenes in the hydraulics lab


Christine is examining the potential for energy recovery at wastewater treatment plants. Based on a case study in Ireland, she is working on an experimental system for a gravitational vortex turbine. This can potnetially generate electricity by working with the vortex that is created naturally within the tank.


Tracey is undertaking a range of experiments to examine pumps as turbines (PaTs) as a cheaper solution to current market turbines. Understanding the efficiencies of a PaT and how this option can potentially be a more cost effective solution for energy recovery in water infrastructure is an important challenge that needs to be addressed for micro installation to be successful.


Both pieces of lab work will help progress the Hydro-BPT vision of the impact of micro-hydropower in water and wastewater infrastructure on the future sustainability of the water industry.

Publication date: 10 September 2014

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