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Hydro-BPT project listed in Connecting Low Carbon Wales report by LCEE Innovation

The Low Carbon Energy and Environment Network (LCEE) for Wales has published a report as part of LCEE Innovation. The Hydro-BPT is one of the projects discussed in the report and gives details of what Hydro-BPT is all about. The report will be available online soon at the LCEE website here.

LCE Innovation Report: Connection Low Carbon WalesLCE Innovation Report: Connection Low Carbon Wales























The report state that "the LCEE Innovation Network is intended to build relationships between academia, enterprise, communities and policy makers to support and develop sustainable production systems to adapt and mitigate climate change through development of integrated renewable energy and sustainable land use strategies. Identifying synergies between developing research in Wales and its potential global application can help businesses and communities bring that research into the real world and create genuine and lasting benefits."

The work is funded by the Welsh Government’s Academic Expertise for Business Fund (A4B) and managed from Aberystwyth University in collaboration with the Centre for Solar Energy Research (CSER), Glyndwr University and Bangor University.

Publication date: 1 August 2014

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